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That Is That by Wu Wu

That Is That by Wu Wu

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Publicado porDaisy
The book can be summarised in this short poem:
"The way of Tao...
The book can be summarised in this short poem:
"The way of Tao Wow".


That is That is a free ebook by WuWu and it delves into some of the issues met by everyday people such as love and death and some of the things on the path of the spiritual seeker such as enlightenment, what to do after enlightenment, and more.

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Published by: Daisy on Aug 20, 2009
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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Wu Wu
Wu Wu
Part One
 It is enough to accept that all is bliss and that anything else is a misinterpretation.
 I propose in a very disjointed manner, a philosophy of no philosophy. It is a philosophy in nature but it stands in the endto remove philosophy, religion, belief, political position, ideas of right and wrong,remove it all and leave the very perfectionthat was there all along. You will then betruly free, free like a bird with no boundary, border or idea. Free to enjoy and not bereading in the hope of gaining something.You may have read many books that giveyou thoughts on how to better yourself or your world view, they may have producedgems of insight and they may have madeyou think but this book aims to stop youtrying any more, allow you to let go to giveup the seeking and be just what you are – Byreducing not adding, fully awaken, burn the book and enjoy life.
 No one is more free than someone with noidea of freedom or more enlightened than someone with no idea of enlightenment.
Wu Wu
3THAT.IS.THATI have no desire to change the world or apply my ideas to others, that would in fact be against my ideal of leaving the worldalone, so instead I just offer my ideas onlightening the load to those who are on asimilar path and may find some reward inreading them.
Be the action of the universe or thereaction.
You see that what we have is reaction, allwe do is react and carry ideas of others,accept as-is or adapt. We do not go to thevery core, we stir the mix. I have made it my path to get to that core, to remove all thelayers until I met what remained.Strip it all away with no fear, hold on tonothing. You should not fear that if theworld or if you have no moral standing, no philosophy, no religious leaning, no stanceon politics that you will be at loss, missingsomething or incomplete - the opposite istrue. At the very core of it all, when youhave dropped the lot, you are left withabsolute perfection and you can see that the baggage you carried was an unwelcome anda heavy load that you were unaware youeven had on your back.
Wu Wu
4THAT.IS.THATChuang Tzu said;
"I do not know if what the world sees ashappiness is happiness at all. As they arealways on the verge of achieving it and never there, how can I say if they know what happiness really is? I only know that in stopping the searching, that is whenhappiness comes to me." 
All philosophy can be (1)
You have two solutions for happiness andthey are being so simple as to not ask or sosmart as to surpass; anywhere in the middleis a muddle - if you have not set fire to the book yet then you are in the middle. Peoplewanting enlightenment as a release fromworry will not just drop worry as they must,instead they wish for an impossibleoxymoron to be true, to carry on as they are but not suffer. Why not just act as they wishthe world to be?The finest philosophy would have you drop philosophy to just act as you wish the worldto be and not attempt to instil your ideas onothers but leave them be. Once realised itshould be acted out not thought about. Youdon't walk around with the cooker once youknow the gas is off, you accept the gas is off and get about your day.
Wu Wu
All ideas are just that. Ideas and insight areon the whole wrong or fleeting and specific.We know ideas are fallible, they come andthey go - so how is it the world is built onthem? And it is, it is entirely built on ideas,they are not yours and whoever came upwith them was as open to error as you are soit is time to let them go. Ideas are weak things yet they constitute the foundation toall beliefs and facts. It is only by grouphypnosis that an idea can be held up assomething of substance so we have to break the spell.The ideas people hold dear to them are nottheirs but habits picked up along the way,they can be learnt unnoticed and adoptedunnoticed. Mum A likes dogs and Mum Bgoes all stiff whenever she sees one.Children A and B grow up to react to dogsdifferently. The religion held by Adult Cand their beliefs thereof are based on aseries of reactions. Being of a spiritualnature is human but religion is an idea,restrictive and non-spiritual. Religion is notonly like looking for your eye, but likelooking for your eye using a telescope as anaid. A political position or view is too areaction, a position that would not exist if there had been no previous act to react to.
Wu Wu
6THAT.IS.THATSome people feel free of God but justrename it as something else like 'infiniteenergy' and hold on to that, or they mayhold on to science or a material crutch.People refuse to kick ideas down and see the bliss that exists behind them and insteadinsist on labels and dual concepts wherethey are a separate element of a vastuniverse and in doing so they hold on tofalse notions that offer only the illusion of support.
"There has been a stream of wisdom passing down the ages and at every turnman has attempted to collect the stream intoa container so that he can wrap his mind around it. Those containers don't flow, they stagnate, the flow continues in the stream. Let go of your stagnation and let it back into the stream to flow." 
Evolution of life, ideas and consciousness
 A part of the idea of evolution is to say thatthe organism adapts to environment. If sothen we must find no surprise in a dumbenvironment like modern society how theorganism is adapting to fit in. The dumber the environment gets then the more weadapt to be dumb. Should your environment be stimulating and beautiful, like nature is,then you the organism will be a wiseshaman and not a single celled slug who's
Wu Wu
7THAT.IS.THAT phone has more memory and who's ideas aredrip fed from culture, peers and mediasound bites.
Philosophy, managing the world, and soon..
(Life is entirely right, but,)Life went wrong when someone tried to fixit. Since then people have come in manyforms from pacifist, to tyrant, to philosopher, to revolutionary and all arereactions - all react to the fact that the firstfix was wrong and now we have; globalsolutions, green solutions, back to basicssolutions and a million more, all reactions.In politics no one has noticed or seems tocare that if 20 people can not agree onsomething then applying that very thing tomany people is sure to fail. Imagine a worldorder, one rule for all yet the very lawmakers can not agree - this can never berealised. Government is just a way weorganise a collection pot to get things doneas a community "$5 each and we get a newroad to share" it is not to tell you on masswhat you can and can not do. The individualmust govern the individual and nothingmore, and together we must govern thegovernment to do as we wish, if we wish tohave one. Complete non compliance mustalways be a valid option as it will alwaysexist so outlawing it is to make a criminal of the free.
Wu Wu
8THAT.IS.THATShould no politicians go to work from nowuntil someone notices then it may be somelong time until someone does spot their absence, the world would most likelyimprove too. Law after law is passed andnothing is put right, we try to fix the fix thatfailed to fix the fix and forget how it all began. The grass grows and no one notices,no one does a thing and the universe stilluniverses. Should mankind feel the need togovern the universe then that will be thenend of that too.Talk about wasted resources, 50 politiciansin one day go about remoulding the clayeither unsure how best to do it or blindlydetermined that they know best. Newsreports on this, secretaries document it, people debate it, headlines fill the airways,the blogs and the minds of many people.The debate was on how to fix the issue thatcame about of the previous people that triedto fix this issue the last time. Not only arethe current resources a waste but they castaside all that came before. All those peoplecould have been relaxing somewhere andthe world would be better off, less time andenergy would have been expended and theGHI (Global Happiness Index) would be a point higher.
What are we here for? To ask is to proveyou are sick.
Happiness is the only good reason to be hereon this beautiful magical planet, whoever 
Wu Wu
9THAT.IS.THATthinks we are here to suffer or to improveourselves or so on is sick. Given the gift wehave of a mind and senses that can observeand find wonder in nature and life we spendfar too much time telling others how to be or wondering what we are. We should only bededicated to our happiness and that can haveno ill effect and so no other tasks need bedone as everyone is content. Therequirements for happiness are in place; usand nature. All we have to do is enjoy.“Once upon a time the world was right” -and it still is. I am not asking for aregression, to go back to times of old, I amsaying perfection is here now and simplyhas to be seen. The universe is in perfection,it is magical from the breath you breathe tothe coming forth of nature, to the swingingtides to the perfect simplicity of a tree -
Theonly unrest in the universe is on theminds of some humans.
That unrest lead tothem finding fault in perfection and trying tofix it, thus starting "Life went wrong whensomeone tried to fix it" as mentioned above.They are trying to fix the world to soothe afaulty perception. Trying to paint the mirror as they do not like the reflection, applyinglayer after layer of paint so they appear likea badly painted clown. The only fix is in theself, strip off the makeup, peel back thereactionary habits and find the real perfection underneath the false mask.
Wu Wu
All philosophy can be (2) all it really canbe
I state that life is perfect but for the state of some minds and that all is in reaction to thaterror in mind. Yes the whole thing, theinstitutionalised, multidisciplinary, xyzliliondollar, industry that we fuss over, vote for,fight wars for, have strong opinions over and so on is a big farce. Philosophy is afarce, religion is a farce, ideas are farce. Iam playing my part in the farce; “May thefarce be with you”.As all the problems sprang of the error of '
thinking something was wrong and trying to fix it 
' then the only true philosophy must notmake such a first step. On accepting that allis a reaction to the first wrong action, thisvery statement even, then how to begin?The ultimate position is to say that all themess came from a false start, so then themetaphilosophy of new is to not make thatmistake; so here it is... "
Life is great, let'senjoy it
. (yes it is, cast aside the junk youhave brought with you and try again.)" Theonly way to reach a point of no one makingfalse moves is to not start. This can beadopted by anyone and integrated instantlyinto the world as it is now, life for those people will improve instantly and life for allwill gradually come right too as adoptionspreads.
Wu Wu
11THAT.IS.THATThis philosophy of no philosophy is to takea thing, say peace, and to state that this canonly be achieved by being peaceful, nothingelse. All action towards the goal isguaranteed to bring about problems so for  peace, you are at peace, that's it. To havefreedom for all, you act freely. To have foodfor all, you eat*. To have perfectgovernment you just act well. You can notstate to another how they should act, or howto solve an issue as that is to react and set upthe landslide to end up just where we arenow. To be truly free you must let others be.The "virtue" referred to in many philosophies is to do as you are naturallysupposed to. As some trees are naturallystrong, some are naturally bendy, some plants offer this, some that - that is their  particular virtue and we do not apply one toa role better suited to another.
 Do not use the mind for a job of the heart.
*Just eat and not spend time deciding whogets to eat and why. There is plenty of foodfor everyone to 'just eat' but greed,sanctions, oppression, war and so on keep itfrom people. Absolutely the right to just eatshould come way before any policies,sanctions or war, in fact they have no placehere they are a disgusting bile that gatheredfrom stupidity and every day that youremain in normal society you support itscontinuation. You are free to cary on butuntil you act without participating you maynot complain.
Wu Wu
What is right?
 Doesn't this lead us to anarchy? Won't theworld be full of crazy loons doing just asthey please? Well the world IS full of crazyloons doing just as they please, only theymake laws or quote ancient ideas to justifythemselves. With anarchy at least you wouldknow where you are as in the worldgoverned by the best at manipulation as it isnow then we are blind to the true meaning behind any act. Anarchy is open and onlyscary as that reaction you are having is a
action, as mentioned a page or so ago.Truly the solution is not anarchy but a label-less solution as with philosophy on seeingthe error was the start, so too we must notstart and so no label is the only sure way. Nothing to see here.Only by letting others do as they please canI be free to do as I please. If I tell you howto be then with time someone will tell mehow to be. This is a natural path and so if Iaim to not have that happen then as withanything I wish to not perpetuate I must begin by not starting. I just act right, and letothers be, that is all I can do. So while I am pointing out the blind way the world acts Iam not asking it to change, instead I am justgoing to be and wait for others to be so boldas to be too.
Wu Wu
13THAT.IS.THATWell what if someone wants to just goaround killing everyone? THEY DOALREADY! They often do it in your name"The Allies killed 20 today", so 20 humansdied in your name. The worst that couldhappen does happen, the law against murder does not prevent murder, things can notimprove by trying to fix the fix. Only bystating that "All is perfect and the error wasin trying to fix perfection" are we able to seethat; to have and maintain perfection - youleave it alone. Just get over the naggingdoubt, the solution to that was a page or soago and that will take you chipping the paintoff the mirror to see the perfection of whoyou really are behind the mask. A wholechapter on the mask comes later too.
"Once people get talking on ethics and they start talking who's right who's wrong, it isn't long until they start killing to provewho's most ethical and eating each other raw"  Ancient Tao saying 
Wu Wu
Sick Society?
 You are not sick if you see sickness in life.You can not fix sickness in others by pointing at them and talking about them.Like you can not cure someone's illness byshouting at them "be cured" you also can notshout at a politician "be right" in both casesthe sickness is in that person.A person who attempts to shape the world isacting from a sick self, their true self is likeyours and would not do evil but in sicknessthere it is.How do we cure the world? We cure theself, we perfect the light and the mirror sothat when we project and when we reflectwe have most positive effect. Applying paint to the mirror to paint your version over the image you don't like is not going towork, so why apply more paint to fix it? itwill be 6 inches thick in paint soon.Politicians and the like are busy painting theworld, trying to fix the fixes ..on and on..
 Just stop and the world becomes natural and right. This can be the only way.
Wu Wu
Stop it!
 We do not stop bombs with bombs, we cannot end an argument by taking part, you canmake 100 laws but not one to stop sufferingor poverty. What in fact ends the problemsis non-interaction, not blind ignorance butnot interacting on the same level as the problem at hand.The world will continue to spiral into this pitof everyone watching everyone else until theinsanity is epidemic. Then only the few thatwere able to step back will be left to make itright.Imagine a room of 20 people arguing and 10working out ways to end the argument. Nowa room of 20 arguing and 10 enlightenedfolk smiling at each other laughing at theillusion of life.Which room is going to be calmer in anhours time if all parties are determined intheir role?
 The only good opposition is one with a finealternative. Being in opposition tosomething with no perfect alternative is justa waste and in fact strengthens the resolve of your opponent, making them more drivenand more cunning - They will work to make
Wu Wu
16THAT.IS.THATthemselves stronger than if you had never set up opposition. A good alternativehowever is not worth standing up andforcing into place either as good things areobviously good and are adopted on masswith no need for encouragement. The harder you have to try to make your point then theweaker it is seen to be. Fine things comeabout because they are fine. Bad things areforced into place and forced out of place.If you act peacefully and it is seen to beright then others will follow the lead. If you push your idea of peace into place then itwill be analysed, opposed and the returnforce will ruin the good intentions, you willnot have the peace you could have had just by acting not saying.
Wu Wu
Part Two, Things related to your seeingwho you really are.Here Now
 We are never not Here Now. We areabsolutely always from birth, through everyaction, to death, Here Now.We are never in the past or the future, theyare unreal, just ideas, but our minds insist inwandering off into the unreal.We choose to avoid reality, this here nowand go off to a side step, a distraction,thinking a thought that takes a past or futureidea, plays with it; a false thought based ona false notion - and choose to deliberatelyavoid the very thing we seek.
 And the seeking itself is like stepping  forward to achieve standing still, animpossible method.
 Crazy as it seems we are the barrier tofinding ourself. There is no one who can beawakened, no one to be enlightened. When"One" is found then by definition there is noother, especially no you. No seeker.A method to finding now is to look out fromyour solar plexus or heart. Don't use eyes or ears as they are filtered by the mini mindthat is trained and has the nature to formtime and analyse. It does this as it is tooweak to comprehend the "Now", the "One"
Wu Wu
18THAT.IS.THATso it splits, measures, analyses and gets lostin its own fallacies.
"The eyes do not look, they absorb. Themind is responsible for looking; its failurehere is the splitting of one of the sensoryinputs into values, good and bad. Theseonly exist due to the mind itself – here is theillusion." 
 instead ...
"Your empty mind,is your full life;The impenetrable solid reality,is the ungraspable mind." 
 Our mind is useless, our languagecontaminated with rules that split the mind.Drop it all and then you are left with"Aaaaaaaa!" Here Now! it was there allalong, Bliss!
What is behind the mask?
There is an infinity, an undivided One. Alldualism's must eventually resolve to thatfrom which they were born and that is theunnameable Infinite One. Naming it causesdualism and is thereby pointless. Reason asmuch as you need to to agree with that, but Iknow for certain it can be no other way.
Wu Wu
19THAT.IS.THATAs there is something that is infinite, itmeans that everything is that infinity. Thereis no room for infinity +1 so You areinfinity. You, undivided, are InfiniteOneness, think or label and you are not, insimplicity you are, you are... but - - - you'renot are you?
The Mask 
 You observe and something is observed.You by nature, not fault, rip the one into themany. The Infinite One is mother of the10,000 things as they say.So how is it that you get so tied up with theimaginary role you are acting out and not infascination of the infinite one of which youare? You are deliberately seeing others asthe mask they wear and you are identifyingwith your mask too. This is the fun of life. Itmust be for fun as you do not conjure upsuch an idea from infinity to deliberately bring about your suffering. Being a humanin a mask and doing all the nice thingshumans can do seems to be a choice infinitymakes even with the risk of seriousness as aside effect. Looking at animals and childrenshows how great it is when the mask is nottaken seriously.The masks make for very convincingdisguises, we can't play this game without avery good act. We can come to realise bylogic that we are all infinite oneness wearingmasks and playing a game, but knowing that
Wu Wu
20THAT.IS.THAT by reason is still not enough to explain thegame.Seeing Mask A destroy the nation of Mask B because of a difference in opinion is awfulif you are Mask C observing. Even if youknow it's masks by reason it's still horribleto observe. So we have to get beyondreason.Yes on the human level, here withcompassion as our highest attribute, thesuffering of other humans and all life isheart wrenching. We would like to say"Look here infinity, lift your mask. See? it isyou under there getting all serious. And it'syou under the other mask too!" - but whatcan this achieve?There is a danger that this view in the wronghands or in the mind of an underdevelopedhuman (one convinced by the mask) thatthey can treat life as dirt. This however isnot the level of awareness we need to beapproaching this from. Approached from thecorrect level of awareness we result inextending compassion even further than thatachievable on the human plane (mask).Compassion goes from the high attributeand gift on the human plane to infinitecompassion. Compassion with infinity for  playing the game. Compassion for peoplewho take the mask seriously, compassionfor the ones who suffer due to another oppressing them. Compassion for the oneswho never realise and die as the mask not asrealised, awakened, infinity. Compassion for those who try to shape the world and destroyothers.
Wu Wu
21THAT.IS.THATThose who see the world as something thatcan be improved upon, that can be shaped to benefit them, are missing the spiritual natureof the Earth and themselves. - If theyrealised this then they would not beattempting to extend life, gain wealth and power and so on as they would have all theyneed in one breath.Ultimate compassion goes out to those whoare so lost in the game that they conspire tofix the rules and by nature of their  perspective ruin it for the many. When they become truly enlightened then the worldwill rest. Hiding behind secrecy, conspiracy,fallacy, is fooling them more than anyoneelse and that, in the end, is funny. The socalled Elites are truly the most imprisoned.They have missed the true wisdom and inseeking to fix the human game are runningto catch their shadow.
Sit in the shade, take off your mask, there isnothing here but infinite bliss.
A trap
As God is merely a label for the theextremes of imagination there is another trapat the other side of the circle. Moving alongthe lines of "all is one, nothing is separate,there are no things as separate to the whole,so all is the whole, so I am the whole ... "A person can reach a state where they think they are God or the universe or the creator 
Wu Wu
22THAT.IS.THATof their universe. This is a funny place asthey have gone "all is one" but then ondoing so have then re-separated themselvesand said "so I am..".Truly when one is reached there is no I to besaying that. Language and logic trap andkill.
Just Be
(Just be ego?)Is the statement "Just Be" an admission thatyou should just do as you will, no matter what? I can see that it could be. If someonewith no real inner work was told to "just be"then they would undoubtedly carry on asthey were and feel justified in any action.To tear the film apart here and separatethese two notions it is necessary to ask whois being and for what? If ego is being for the benefit of ego and taking its justificationfrom the statement "just be" then it is stilldual. It is acting as if it were able to be andtruly just accepting the illusion. It will suffer very soon.The only one who can "just be" is the onlyone there is, "The One". You may say thatthe one is acting as ego and in doing so egois right, this is not true. You can live likethis but you will suffer it too. The one you
Wu Wu
23THAT.IS.THATare to be is the non-dual one with no other.Be. Be by not being a doer, not an actor, notan I-as-separate. You have to be withawareness of the whole.You can not achieve this. You have to firstdo all the inner work, grasp the truth thatthere is no doer who can possibly be. Thenand only then is the statement "Just Be"useful.Only when ego is recognised as play actor can the self act without acting a fake.
 In yoga, Tai Chi and so on we stretch, relax, breathe, ...and we feel benefits.Watch someone who is not using thesetechniques;Wake feeling tired, smoke, eat somethingheavy, drink strong coffee, sit hunched upon the bus, arrive at work, smoke in ahunched up posture, furrowed brow, suckingthe smoke in, hurriedly disposing of the butt, into the office, tapping their foot as thekettle boils, whisking the coffee off to their desk, hunching over the desk, hand crampedover the mouse, furrowed brow, squintingeyes at the in-box, shallow breathing,
Wu Wu
24THAT.IS.THATtapping the fingers and toes, grinding their teeth, rubbing their chin, .... it's only 9am ...Lunch comes, outside, smoke, buy greasyfood or withered salad to justify the fat bellyfrom last nights midnight pizza, grumblingover this and that, hunched back, tappingtoes....
 As we get in tune we find tensions all over the body but we remove them one by onewith breath and posture, exercises, tuning.With time the body is flexible and comfy to be in, the body is not so apparent and we arelight and free.We..Wake up, breath in, love the view out of thewindow either if it is rain bathing nature or sun hitting our eyes, out to the bus, lookingat the trees, listening to the birds, on the bus,comfortable posture, breathing, blissfulhead, learning from the world in near silence, at work the pot of green tea is madefor the morning run, sitting is comfortable,no tensions so the legs drop comfortablyinto a wide sitting stance, knees drop, notension in the thighs, brow, or shoulders,mouth loose, eyes fresh, then the tasks aretaken one by one with each deep full breath... it's only 9am...
Come lunch time, things are under control,tea pot needs refilling, ....
Wu Wu
25THAT.IS.THATTensions held in the body are the sametensions felt in the mind. Stretching out your inner thighs for a comfortable sitting position, a strong back for sitting andstanding, good deep breathing, loose jaw, brow, neck, shoulders, no tension in the body means the mind is free to operate at its best on the task at hand.
Sorry, you are a Buddhist by default, sodrop it and become Buddha
Religious Buddhism is one thing and not for discussion here, but Buddha left behind ascience of happiness, he studied the humanmind, cured himself and by default made anew distinction to be measured by- you aresick and looking for a cure (Buddhist) or cured (Buddha). Due to you now wonderingwhich category you sit in I must nowrecommend that you take a passing glance atthe only dedicated and entirely thoroughenquiry into the science of happiness thatthere ever has been.In the two major forms Buddhism, the pathto becoming Buddha, comes in the largevehicle and the small - here I point out thatthe small is an extremely valid way tocuring yourself and something we should alltake at least one look and thought over.
Wu Wu
26THAT.IS.THATI do like the idea of the Grand Vehicle of Buddhism in that there will be sufferinguntil the last person attains enlightenment, itis a fine compassionate model, but I feel the practicality of the Small Vehicle has benefits. With the Small Vehicle it issufficient to cure yourself and this works on4 levels I can identify even without tryingtoo hard;1) The grand vehicle is looking to humanityand will never know the state of beings inother dimensions or levels of  perspective/awareness to humanity so couldnever fully know if the goal had beenachieved.2) Both vehicles require the self to becorrected first and so the work done there is beneficial either way, the Grand Vehicle hasno standing over the Small in this case butthe Small sets a realisable goal.3) Once enlightened then the enlightened being sees all as enlightened so the job isdone at that point. Once the person hascome to the full realisation then there are noteven any other beings to enlighten as all isone. In suffering or ecstasy they are all faceson the one jewel. Certainly the enlightened being is not contributing negatively to anysituation so is in no wrong. Even selfishlyignoring war and suffering is not bad in thiscase as the perspective is different, no harmis done, and it could be seen that the state of the individual could even be helping curethe world even by apparent non-action. Non-interference in matters in this case is a
Wu Wu
27THAT.IS.THAThigh attribute. "I know how to leave italone". "The grass grows by itself". "Thewater settles not by playing with it"."Bombs don't stop bombs and shouting doesnot end an argument".4) Compassion for all is a nice notion butcan your perception ever be soencompassing and still accurate? It is toughto put yourself in the shoes of another andcertainly impossible to do that for 7billion people. We can feel compassion for those inwar-torn parts of the earth but is it for us tosuffer for their suffering? I think not for tworeasons and yes for one obvious one.Obviously we feel for them, this takes noexplanation but the two reasons we can putit aside are that 1) If we were them wewould handle it, so we must trust them to dothe same. Also if we were suffering greatlywe would not want others to mourn us, wewould want them to enjoy life. A cancer victim would rather have happy peoplearound them than mournful souls. 2) We cannot fully know their feelings or intentions,we may offer up a solution that misses their true needs or we may misunderstand their wishes or ways of reasoning.So the Small Vehicle is enough I believe asit makes enlightenment realisable and as a bonus it could lead to the grand realisationof the Grand vehicle if all beings awaken, itdoes not stand in the way of that goal onlyfacilitate. It is not restricted by sufferingoutside of our control and it reminds us of the fact that self realisation is the key. Allcan not be awake if you are not first awake
Wu Wu
28THAT.IS.THATand we can not awaken others on their  behalf. When we are awake then we aremore useful to the world than when in bondage. This key to fixing the self andultimately the world lies then with the SmallVehicle.And the Small Vehicle does nothing againstthe Grand Vehicle only facilitate the goal.
A clear View
 That something (call it a universe or anyother name) has come about and producedforms, some of which feel separate and thevarious emotions, you can only feel a deepcompassion. Most of all to yourself, as youtoo are as illusory as the rest. Any negativemust be put aside as to attempt to form a better way whilst being a suffering part canneither benefit you or the whole. Never make a choice whilst sad. All decisions mustarise from happiness and so the future will be based on this.
Wu Wu
 In the picture "The Vinegar Tasters",Confucius, Buddha and Lau Tzu standaround a pot and taste vinegar.Confucius tastes sourness as he sees theworld is out of order, it used to have greatstructure of respect, the emperor stood between man and heaven and ruled, peoplefollowed ritual handed down throughgenerations, and now the world is sour.The Buddha tasted bitterness, as he saw only people with too much desire, desire theycould never quash and so they drovethemselves to a bitter life.Lau Tzu says the vinegar is perfect, this ishow it tastes, heaven is on earth, too manyrules spoil it, you can't change the taste of vinegar with a rule, this is its nature, weshould not force the way, nature has her wayand she follows Tao, if you understand theflow, you understand the world.

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